This program is shareware. To register for it, please send $10 (or what you think it’s worth) to: Mike Wessler 291 Windsor St. Apt #3 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail: A special thank you to all those people who sent in their registration for the earlier version of this program. Guilt works both ways, and this version is dedicated to you. :) You can reach me via e-mail to ask questions or make comments or suggestions. Planned additions to this program include a few extra functions (especially financial functions) and a layout editor. If you’ve already sent in your registration, make sure that I have your e-mail address so I can send you the updated version when it’s finished. I wrote this program because my HP 15-C was stolen, and the new menu-driven HP’s out there just don’t have the same feel. There are even new HP’s that have the dreaded “equals” button! Gasp! In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m left-handed. If you are violently right-handed, and the hand pointer gets annoying, just use ResEdit to flip the CRSR resource. Also take a moment to appreciate the plight of southpaws world-wide. RPN lives! Fixes and additions to version 1.0: • Color on the top of the calculator now indicates whether HP Calc! is in the foreground or background. • Calculator can now be shrunk and left on the side of the desktop for quick and easy access. There’s an option to have the calculator start up in minimized form so you can put the application in the startup folder. • Data is now stored in the preferences folder, where Auto Doubler and Greg’s Buttons can’t screw things up. • Calculator won’t start up off the screen, so you don’t have to worry about going from large screens to small ones. • Added an editor for key equivalents. • Added a few extra functions. • Cleaned up the interface for FIX and SCI. • STO and RCL now access memory by text names. The buttons bring up a clickable list of known memory items. Double click the name, or type part of it and hit tab.